A Few Good Men

A Few Good Men


It all started when...

I've had this idea for a while to produce or compile a book about my dad. But I need your help. 

I would love to put together a series of stories and memories from all different perspectives. I knew my dad as a daughter, but don't know all of the stories of him as your friend, son, brother and husband. And of the stories I have heard, well I hope I don't forget them.

My hope is to consolidate submissions from family and friends and generate a nice hard cover tribute to my dad. Filled with stories, letters, memories, photos and more. I'll plan to self publish it and make copies for anyone that wants a copy. 

So start thinking if you want to contribute. It can be short. It can be long. It can be written, or artistic. You can submit photos or letters. Poems or stories. If you're not a writer or want help finding words to a story I'll help. If you prefer to voice record a memory, you can send me the audio clip and I'll transcribe it into a tale. 

I think the more people that contribute and the more diverse our submissions are, the more powerful this publishing and fun collection of memories will be.

Because many of my ideas sometime burst and then flounder... 
I'm going to try to follow through on this. Which may result in me pestering you. 
Check in points are also helpful. So see my goal/timeline below:

  • Aug 6th 2017 - Let me know if you intend to contribute.
  • Nov 1st 2017 - First draft of submissions due. 
  • Jan 1st 2018 - Final drafts if submissions due.
  • April 1st 2018 - First draft of book shared for review. 
  • June 1st 2018 - Book Orders Due. 
  • Aug 6th 2018 - Books in Hand.